Sunday, July 11, 2010

Read This On Blogsecret's Tumblr

13207.) I wanted us to work. After five years, I realized that I had wasted my energy, tears, and love. We’ll never be together again. Please move on. You broke my heart and I’m not going to let you attempt to fix it. I’m much happier now.

(via blogsecret)

the only difference is that, my relationship spanned nearly four years instead of five.

if we were still together, this month on the 30th would have marked our 4th anniversary. of course, he probably would have fucked it up as he did all our previous anniversaries. and there's a high possibility that i would have spent the day crying myself to sleep.

but now we'll never know.

thank god.

currently watching the World Cup Finals, between Holland and Spain. have a bet with Bobby going on! GO SPAIN!

(and yes, i stayed home tonight. after a whole week of clubbing, drinking, snorting up and stoning, i think it's quite apt that i stay in the night before my finals.)


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