Saturday, July 10, 2010

If It's Not Forever

July 5, 2010

i had a crush on you.

it was the most embarrassing, painful crush ever; because i would see you around and not be able to do anything about it; always made me feel like my heart was being ripped right out of my body and then trampled all over. it was pretty short-lived, however. i blame it on my friends, who wouldn’t stop gushing over your looks.

of course i would never tell you. i mean, we’ve played the flirting game and i’m pretty sure i’ve said it out loud a couple of times but who takes things like that seriously? and to be honest, you’re not my type at all. it doesn’t matter, really. there’s a million reasons why i shouldn’t take this any further than it’s already gone, because it’s … complicated.

i just think you’re really cute.



July 11, 2010

and i already have you wrapped around my fingers.

damn, that was fast.

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