Sunday, July 25, 2010

And Just In Time, I'll Play My Ace

what if, indeed?

beyond that of the usual a/s/l cliche, strictly speaking: i am demanding, surely. i overcompensate for other people; i function well under stress, and i love reading. body art is a passion. i’m an extremist — i never do things halfway. i don’t give up that easily; and i love articulate men with ambition … and tattoos. given the chance to prove myself, i can also be caring, loyal, and warm. somewhere deep down inside, i have a functioning heart that isn’t entirely made out of stone. i’m an outrageous flirt. i strongly believe that if you want something, you should fucking go get it. it works everytime. i’m that girl with all the drama going on, whether or not i brought it onto myself is a different story altogether. being a Capricorn suffering from a slight OCD, in a perfect world i would also be a health freak — however, my excessive clubbing, drinking, partying, and smoking ways don’t allow for a daily evening jog.

i’m that girl with trust issues; i am more than what meets the eye. i am ambitious, capable, manipulative, strong … and somewhat cocky and overconfident. i enjoy good movies, and better music. i do what i want when i want to; and i really don’t give a damn about my reputation. i am edgy, sometimes moody, & always with an attitude.

i am growing, still.


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