Monday, May 24, 2010

On Lovers' Lips

and in the dark, there were two. backed up against the wall, his lips somehow found mine. for a moment there was a silence -- in that split second, a million thoughts ran through my head and none of them stayed quite long enough for me to even focus, hesitate, or pull back. i could not think. all i could do was feel. his hands, they were running through my hair; were placed behind my head, cradling it; were holding my cheeks; were circling my waist, pulling me closer to him. oh my god. this was so wrong and yet felt so right. stop, what was i doing? but damn, his lips were like light, trailing butterflies fluttering all over my ears, my forehead, my cheeks, my neck oh my god my neck.

i've kissed tons of guys in the past; so many i honestly cannot remember the exact figure.

but this was different.

did he close the space between us? or did i meet him halfway? we clung onto each other like first-timer adolescents desperate for a taste of life -- in between kisses he breathed my name, "Jade, Jade, Jade."

and i just kept tumbling.


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