Thursday, May 27, 2010

On Lovers’ Lips – Part

he said, “i love you, Jade.”

and me — the girl with ever-present comebacks, the Queen of Ice, the eloquently sarcastic bitch; all those words, they died at the tip of my tongue. how do you ever respond in situations like these? i could not whisper to him what he wanted to hear. i could not say i loved him in return, and honestly meant it.

i could not, also, break his heart.

so i smiled, kissed him softly on the lips, closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep.

i prayed it would be good enough.

note from author:

hi, i’m back. :) “On Lovers’ Lips” is a random short story divided into parts and written from the POV of a character named Jade. and just to clear the “omg-she’s-a-cheap-kiss-and-tell-bitch” confusion, it is completely unrelated to my love life at the moment. and yeah, i have decided to keep this blog public; it was fully protected for a few days last week, but you know. what do i care anymore? kay back to my research paper.

tonight’s gonna be a good night.


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