Thursday, May 27, 2010

On Lovers’ Lips – Part

he said, “i love you, Jade.”

and me — the girl with ever-present comebacks, the Queen of Ice, the eloquently sarcastic bitch; all those words, they died at the tip of my tongue. how do you ever respond in situations like these? i could not whisper to him what he wanted to hear. i could not say i loved him in return, and honestly meant it.

i could not, also, break his heart.

so i smiled, kissed him softly on the lips, closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep.

i prayed it would be good enough.

note from author:

hi, i’m back. :) “On Lovers’ Lips” is a random short story divided into parts and written from the POV of a character named Jade. and just to clear the “omg-she’s-a-cheap-kiss-and-tell-bitch” confusion, it is completely unrelated to my love life at the moment. and yeah, i have decided to keep this blog public; it was fully protected for a few days last week, but you know. what do i care anymore? kay back to my research paper.

tonight’s gonna be a good night.


Monday, May 24, 2010

On Lovers' Lips

and in the dark, there were two. backed up against the wall, his lips somehow found mine. for a moment there was a silence -- in that split second, a million thoughts ran through my head and none of them stayed quite long enough for me to even focus, hesitate, or pull back. i could not think. all i could do was feel. his hands, they were running through my hair; were placed behind my head, cradling it; were holding my cheeks; were circling my waist, pulling me closer to him. oh my god. this was so wrong and yet felt so right. stop, what was i doing? but damn, his lips were like light, trailing butterflies fluttering all over my ears, my forehead, my cheeks, my neck oh my god my neck.

i've kissed tons of guys in the past; so many i honestly cannot remember the exact figure.

but this was different.

did he close the space between us? or did i meet him halfway? we clung onto each other like first-timer adolescents desperate for a taste of life -- in between kisses he breathed my name, "Jade, Jade, Jade."

and i just kept tumbling.


Tuesday, May 18, 2010

"Hello, Love."

it's like i've never even left the field.

this feels too bloody easy; i'm dipping my toes into the devil's river, i'm playing with fire, and i'm juggling more balls than i can stand to handle right now. i should probably slow down just a little bit, no? but damn, i'm having way too much fun. i know my limits, of course. some lines shouldn't be crossed. however ... shouldn't and wouldn't are two different words and mean two different things altogether.

what was that saying again? "behind every bitch is a bastard who made her so." you know, guys and relationships are like ... flagging down cabs. you miss one cab, there's three more on standby. just waiting, ever willing to pick you up and take you to wherever you want to go.

let's face it, nobody is irreplaceable.

you know how it is.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Today's Horoscope:


"An important aspect has passed, and you are in the process of reaping the benefit from it, Capricorn. It was only a matter of becoming aware of and settling certain matters related to your need for social recognition. Don't be so hungry for approval, Capricorn. Most people contain a stern inner authority figure and can survive comfortably and self-sufficiently. In fact, it's your greatest strength."

oh bloody hell.

so true!

'important aspect' -- The Breakup. 'reaping the benefit' -- most defo. however it wasn't a matter of "settling ... matters related to (my) need for social recognition." it was a matter of my ex-bf being a total dickhead. and yes, i'm an independent survivor.

except i'm not hungry for approval.

good morning world!


Saturday, May 15, 2010

today, i tied a cherry stalk into a knot using my tongue.


success! ;)

Friday, May 14, 2010

Ernest Hemingway said,

"Write drunk, edit sober."
